Get to Know the Tourism Staff: Natasha

As we continue in our weekly series of getting to know the Tourism Nanaimo staff, we now get to meet the lovely Natasha. Have a look at what she likes and loves about Nanaimo:


In your opinion, what is Nanaimo’s best kept secret?

If I told you Nanaimo’s best kept secret, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore 😉 I used to think that Ammonite Falls was one of Nanaimo’s best kept secrets, but now it is on our Nanaimo and Region Map so I don’t think it’s much of a secret anymore. Now I would maybe say the Nanaimo River, which has several quite spots to set up for a day of fun in the sun, swimming, snorkeling and enjoying a nice picnic. Plus it is a great place for the pups to play too!


Nanaimo River swims are refreshing and perfect in the summer heat! (Credit: Cody Nelson)

What’s one place/event/activity in Nanaimo that you have not yet participated in but would love to one day?

Something I would love to do here in Nanaimo, but have not yet had the chance to do is to go diving. I have heard that Nanaimo has some of the Island’s best Dive Sites and I am eager to explore. I have only ever dived in tropical waters so diving in the Pacific Ocean will be a bit different and I imagine a lot colder.


Jacques Cousteau named us Best Cold Water Diving in the World

If a visitor was only in Nanaimo for one day, what would you recommend they must see?

If I only had one day in Nanaimo I would want to hike up to the top of Mount Benson. Although this hike might not be suitable for beginner hikers, but once you reach the summit the views are absolutely amazing, and it would only be a half day trip so I could go tour some of the breweries or wineries in the area depending on my taste bud’s mood as a little self-reward for making it up to the top 🙂

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Mount Benson Summit (Credit: Richard Kelly)

What’s the most interesting/surprising thing you’ve learned about Nanaimo since working for Tourism Nanaimo?

I think the most interesting thing I have learned since starting to working for Tourism Nanaimo is all the history that surrounds Nanaimo. I never knew exactly old it actually is, or that it is one of BC’s oldest cities. The Nanaimo Museum has a few great exhibits, not to mention one of our Tourism offices is located in the historic Bastion in downtown Nanaimo.

Summer museum activities

Lots of great exhibits at the Nanaimo Museum!