Get to Know the Tourism Staff: Morgane

Hello again readers! We are continuing our theme of getting to know the tourism staff on our Saturday posts, and are thrilled to introduce you to Morgane. She is one of our friendly and talented Visitor Information Counsellors, and is an asset to our team. Have a read and get to know her yourself…


In your opinion, what is Nanaimo’s best kept secret?

Most people who visit Nanaimo have heard about Mount Benson but they have not heard about Benson Creek Falls Regional Park, or Ammonite Falls which is one of the three significant waterfalls in Benson Creek. This regional park is located on the western slopes of Mount Benson and includes 22 hectares of forested land as well as 2 beautiful waterfalls. The waterfalls are created by Benson and Flynnfalls Creek, surrounded by a heavily wooded area. The trails in the area can be hard to man-oeuvre but are well worth the hike.

Nanaimo 1-253

The stunning Ammonite Falls, located within Benson Creek Regional Park

What’s one place/event/activity in Nanaimo that you have not yet participated in but would love to one day?

I had the opportunity to work at the Silly Boat Regatta the weekend of July 17th and decided then that I would love to enter the competition. So much imagination went into building the boats and the teams were having fun while raising money for a great cause! Hopefully, my team’s boat won’t be a complete disaster but then again there is a prize for the first boat to sink!



If a visitor was only in Nanaimo for one day, what would you recommend they must see?

This is a tough one! I love so many things about Nanaimo…..however, having just moved here from a landlocked area, I would have to say that my favourite thing to do is to stroll along the harbour and be near the ocean. Also, one of the best ways to enjoy the view is to sit at the Dinghy Dock and have a cold pint and fish and chips, while listening to some tunes.

Food and wine

Dinghy Dock: The only floating pub in Canada

What’s the most interesting/surprising thing you’ve learned about Nanaimo since working for Tourism Nanaimo?

The one thing that has impressed me the most is the numerous local artisans that are in the region. I did not realize how many fabulous local artists there are and how talented they are. I am not ashamed to admit that I have splurged on a few very west coast pieces of jewellery since being here. I would also recommend The Cedar Yellow Point Artisan Trail as it features a variety of artists as well as local produce and dining options.


Check out the Cedar Yellow Point Artisan Trail

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